Smoke and Mirrors: Ultra-Rapid-Scan FT-IR
The people and organizations who made this work possible are gratefully
recognized. Roger Combs and Bob Kroutil of US Army ERDEC for funding analysis of voice coil performance; DOE/INEL for funding the University
of Idaho to purchase the prototype instrument described here. Special thanks to the
past, present and future customers of Manning Applied
Technology. The Lincoln Laser Company is
gratefully acknowledged for technical advice. Secondly, the people who actually helped
with the work are recognized, Mike Itano
for his many hours in front of computer monitors doing 3D modeling of pathlength
variations and finite element modeling. Jeff Paul for assembling high-speed op amp
circuits. Blayne Hirsche for helping to set up the
rocket igniter measurement and setting up the data acquisitions PC. Matt Williamson
for a lot of help with slides and
manuscript. Finally, thanks to Richard
Palmer, Peter Griffiths
and Bruce Chase for advice and encouragement.